Diversity & Wellness Work at Taipei European High School
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Diversity & Wellness Work at Taipei European High School

As a wellness practitioner, I was privileged to provide teaching seminars at Taipei European School on the importance of breathing and movement practices in managing stress and increasing mental clarity. Through Hatha Yoga, I taught over 600 students various poses and techniques to improve flexibility and increase oxygen and blood flow in the body. These…

South Africa and Reconciliation
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South Africa and Reconciliation

South Africa has held a special place in my heart for many years. During my early college years, shortly after our win over Purdue in the 2000 Rose Bowl, I traveled to South Africa and had an experience that forever changed my life. South Africa was a living history that exceeded all book and classroom…

Short video on Community Building and Rhythm
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Short video on Community Building and Rhythm

In this short video, speaker Anthony Kelley uses the African Djembe drum as an illustration of how rhythm can help build community work and development. He explains that building a drum beat is similar to building a community – it requires a call and response for growth and development. The rhythm of the drum brings…

Documentary Film: A Journey Through Conflict and Identity. (Full Film)
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Documentary Film: A Journey Through Conflict and Identity. (Full Film)

“A Journey Through Conflict and Identity” is a documentary film that follows the journey of Anthony Kelley in managing his own trauma and struggles with identity, conflict, and reconciliation. The film highlights important moments in his life where he learned lessons on individual accountability, leadership, self-care, meditation, community, and education. Through interviews with people who…

Our First Business and Film Project
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Our First Business and Film Project

Resigning from my directorial position was difficult, but it paved the way for my next adventure: starting my own business. Although I was aware of the challenges ahead, I was determined to take this step toward entrepreneurship. I knew that it would demand unwavering commitment, perseverance, and time. However, my decision was driven by my…