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Long Term Systematic Change – Penn State doing it right!

Diversity, inclusion analysis shows University-wide progress.

Great article for those interested in exploring data-driven analysis work on diversity and inclusion. This article provides a great framework for higher ed institutions looking to build enduring change at their institution around diversity and inclusion work. When considering adopting this type of initiative at your institution and thinking about the long term commitment, this is critical if you plan to maintain any continuity with this type of revolutionary movement. Though this work has been around since the 1970’s, I tip my hat to Penn State for their endurance. Creating full scale institutional change at such an institution is very difficult, and though they have a long way to go, the fact that top tier leadership like Victoria Sanchez, assistant vice provost for Educational Equity is committed to institutionalizing “diversity and inclusiveness”, “to make the goals deeply integrated so that they will endure” is tremendous. To add, this also allows the necessary  changes needed for programs developed under this type of systematic support to make it past the all too familiar leadership and budgetary changes. Too many times have amazing programs been cut due to budget cuts and new leadership. I look forward to reading the results of their findings and hope we can learn and build from the great work Penn State is doing.